Thursday 14 January 2016

The Illuminati Conspiracy is Real


Of all the issues occupying our political landscape, the Illuminati conspiracy is probably the strangest one.

Conspiracy theorists submit that a secret society known as the Illuminati is covertly manipulating people into serving its agenda.

The alleged goals of the Illuminati are as numerous as the conspiracy theorists. Some say they are responsible for causing 9/11, while others believe that George H.W. Bush is a ringleader in a network of satanic pedophiles. Some even believe that our politicians are actually shape-shifting reptilian aliens in disguise.

Skeptics are correct that conspiracy theorists make outrageous claims. But there is one basic fact most skeptics fail to realize: Illuminism is a real religion that has had a profound impact on our culture.

You cannot have a rational discussion on this topic if you refuse to acknowledge this.

When you realize that Illuminism is a real religion, it is shocking to see how influential they are. It also becomes easier to separate the fact from the fiction.

Part of the reason why there is so much misinformation about the Illuminati is because Illuminists are highly secretive.

This secrecy can be seen in the name of the religion itself. I call it Illuminism, however it goes by many different names, some of which include: the occult, witchcraft, Satanism, paganism, New Age, esotericism, Gnosticism, alchemy, Hermeticism and Thelema.

Adherents of these religions may claim they are practicing different religions. This is not true. These are different denominations of the same religion. A unifying characteristic of these denominations is the belief humans are divine. Divine beings that should, and will, become gods.

One realizes this divinity by achieving altered states of consciousness using a variety of techniques. One is said to become Illuminated, enlightened or transcendent upon reaching this divine state.

Some of these techniques are relatively benign, however many are frowned upon (and even outlawed) by mainstream society. There is more to the religion than this; however, this is it at its most fundamental level.

Further adding to the confusion is that the vast majority of Illuminists are deceived into practicing a whitewashed version of Illuminism. Most do not know what they are talking about when they try to defend their religion.

Those who are aware of what the religion actually stands for would be considered “Illuminati,” though they may not identify as such.

The fact that people are being deceived in this manner definitely qualifies as a conspiracy.

If you do not believe that Illuminism is an influential religion, go into Barnes and Noble on 42nd Street. The store’s religion section has half an aisle dedicated to it. Clearly there are practicing Illuminists in the Fargo-Moorhead area.

I realize that I cannot fully examine Illuminism in one article, but understand that it is a real religion that needs to be taken seriously. I find it disturbing how much this supposedly nonexistent religion is influencing society.